Be like trees

In the early 1990s when I was first starting out on my witchy path, I was taught that, whilst the Age of Aquarius (or whatever you want to call the post-capitalism world) is at hand, the old order won’t just disappear: it will fight tooth and nail to retain its grip on power. We are seeing that now: the genocides happening everywhere, the right introducing anti-trans laws, the overturning of Roe v Wade, the arrest and persecution of climate change activists.

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Indigenous water rights

I wrote this in July 2019.

I am currently sitting beside Lake Erie (Erielhonan), one of the largest bodies of fresh water in the world. The surface area of the Great Lakes is about the same as the surface area of the British Isles (a statistic I’ve often quoted to impress the sheer size of Canada upon my fellow English people).

Despite Canada possessing the largest body of fresh water in the world, a significant percentage of the original inhabitants of this northern area of Turtle Island do not have running water in their homes.

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