COVR Award win for Changing Paths

I got a silver medal in the COVR (Coalition of Visionary Resources) awards for Changing Paths πŸ₯‚πŸΎ

Thanks to 1000Volt Press, Victoria Raschke, and keifel agostini for your expert and supportive publishing! And Keifel for the beautiful cover designπŸ’š

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the book: Èlia Viader, Jasmin, Calyx, Ambrose, and Nick πŸ’š

Thanks to all the beta readers and reviewers: Sue Woolley, Andrew Brown, Steve Dee, Dodie Graham Mackay, Enfys Book, Hana the Suburban Witch. πŸ’š

And thanks to Mark Townsend for his lovely introduction to the book πŸ’š

Thanks to the Coalition for Visionary Resources for organizing these awards πŸ’š

Thanks to Jarred the Wyrdworker who has been blogging the journal prompts from the chapters of Changing Paths πŸ’š

And thank you to everyone who voted for the book πŸ’š

Congratulations to fellow winners

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Changing Paths is published by 1000Volt Press and is available from all the usual online stores. Ask your local bookseller or library to stock it!

The goal of the book is to help you decide your own path by guiding you through the perils and pitfalls of the terrain, and asking questions to help you deepen your understanding of the reasons for your desire to change paths.

More about the book

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