Roots and wings

Changing Paths challenge day 15: the sky.

The sky has a huge impact on my mood. If it’s blue with a few clouds, I’m happy. If it’s dramatic, I’m excited. If there’s a rainbow, I love it (especially the rainbow that appeared the day after Ireland voted for same sex marriage). If it’s grey and overcast, then I’m sad. If there’s a beautiful sunset, I’m awed. If I see the stars shining, I’m awed.

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Changing Paths challenge day 14: my path.

I don’t really describe my path as a spiritual path anymore. I think of it as an embodied path. My practice is to notice the beauty in the everyday: flowers, trees, music, the landscape, the sky, food, and poetry.

As The Charge of the Goddess says, all acts of love and pleasure are her rituals.

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Changing Paths Challenge day 13: Roots and wings

Today’s prompt is a reference to Carolyn McDade’s classic song, Spirit of Life, which contains the line “roots hold me close, wings set me free”.

My family roots are in nonconformist churches but there’s also a strong tradition of loving Nature. My Mum loved Nature and so did her Mum. I feel very strongly rooted in the chalk and flint hills of Hampshire and Sussex in England.

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My award-winning book, Changing Paths, is published by 1000Volt Press and is available from all the usual online stores. Ask your local bookseller or library to stock it!

The goal of the book is to help you decide your own path by guiding you through the perils and pitfalls of the terrain, and asking questions to help you deepen your understanding of the reasons for your desire to change paths.

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